4. Bonus Compliment:
One of the easiest ways of giving eective com-
pliment is to recall something that the other
person has said, or done something noteworthy
that made a lasting impression on you.
5. Relayed Compliment:
A compliment that is conveyed to you by some-
one who heard someone else saying positive
words about you.
6. Un-expected compliment:
Another important form of compliment in peo-
ple's lives is when you oer positive feedback
unexpectedly. It makes people immensely
happy when we point out and praise the unad-
vertised facets of their personality.
In essence, giving and receiving praise and com-
pliments is such a rare occurrence that it's truly
delightful. However, we shouldnt always have
to get this constant armation from the outside.
It is important to become aware of our own abili-
ties, strengths, assets and liabilities so that we
can accurately and sincerely appraise ourselves,
when others have missed the golden chance to
acknowledge us.
Compliment is probably the most useful tool for
nurturing relationships, yet today genuine
praise faces the risk of becoming tarnished
through its misuse in the form of attery and its
lack of circulation in the modern society.
An honest word of praise-commendation-com-
pliment can turn a bleak morning into a sunny
afternoon by nourishing the spirit and the body
as eciently as a prayer or vitamins. In order to
live happily what people want from others is a
little attention and few words of praise, but in
doing so honesty and sincerity is essential.
Thought and subtlety often combine to produce
eective compliments. The best compliment is
that which reinforces our sense of personal iden-
tity. Everyone is unique and hence we must
cherish and celebrate every individuals distinct
qualities which sets them apart from each other.
Each individual possesses both positive and
negative aspects within their personality. It
depends upon us that what we are looking for.
Oering praise requires nothing from the giver
except a brief moment of consideration and
eort, yet the rewards are dividend. Something
good can be said about everyone. We only have
to look for it.
The following tips can help you to give eective
1. Don’t Exceed:
Whenever you compliment someone, you must
not exceed a given range of compliments even if
they are well intended. If you will praise too
much that person will think or say: That’s not me;
that making an individual feel like a phoney.
2. Indirect Compliment:
Direct praise and compliment to many is just like
sunlight in summer that makes them uncom-
fortable. In our lives, one way or another, every
individual has been a victim of unsolicited criti-
cism. Therefore, while it not only creates a trust
decit towards our surroundings but engenders
a discomfort when complimented, as it appears
either a hoax or a lie .
3. Timings:
On the other hand, learn to compliment people
at the right time. Complimenting an individual
at the right time can elevate a downtrodden
spirit while complimenting at the wrong hour
can overwhelm a person. Therefore, the entire
essence of compliment becomes ineective.
Federally Chartered
Degree Awarding Institute
Recognized by Higher Education Commission (HEC)
Dear Readers,
In the face of uncertainty, one of the most
valuable skills we can cultivate is resilience. As
your editor, I am excited to delve into the topic
of coping with change and explore strategies
for building resilience and adaptability in
these challenging times.
Change is an inevitable part of life, yet it often
brings feelings of discomfort, fear, and anxiety.
Whether it's navigating a career transition,
adjusting to a new environment, or facing
unexpected challenges, our ability to adapt
and bounce back from adversity plays a crucial
role in our well-being
Resilience is not about avoiding or denying
dicult emotions; it's about facing them
head-on and nding ways to cope eectively.
It involves cultivating a mindset of optimism,
exibility, and self-compassion, even in the
Coping with Change: Building Resilience
and Adaptability in Uncertain Times
The Art of Giving Compliments (Part-II)
midst of uncertainty.
Adaptability, on the other hand, requires us to
embrace change as an opportunity for growth
and learning. It means being open to new
experiences, seeking out creative solutions,
and remaining agile in our responses to shift-
ing circumstances.
In times of change, it's essential to prioritize
self-care and seek support. Whether it's
through mindful practices, connecting with
loved ones, or seeking professional guidance.
As we navigate the complexities of change, let
us remember that resilience is not a trait
reserve for a few; it's a skill that can be devel-
oped and strengthened over time. By embrac-
ing change with courage and resilience, we
can not only weather the storms of uncertainty
but emerge stronger and more resilient than
ever before.
This Award is for YOU!
Lecturer of the Month:
Ms. Ayesha Haider's dedi-
cation, passion, and exper-
tise have left an indelible
mark on our center, enrich-
ing the lives of both
students and sta alike.
Not only does Ms. Haider
excel in her role as a lecturer, but she also serves
as the Head Counselor at our Center, demon-
strating her unwavering commitment to the
holistic well-being of our community. Her com-
passionate approach and genuine care for each
individual have created a supportive environ-
ment where students feel valued and empow-
Her tireless eorts in promoting mental health
awareness and providing counseling support
have made a signicant impact on our campus
culture, fostering a sense of belonging and resil-
ience among our community members. Addi-
tionally, her cooperative and helpful nature
further enhances her invaluable contributions
to our center, embodying the spirit of teamwork
and support.
On behalf of the entire sta, I extend my heart-
felt gratitude to Ms. Ayesha Haider for her
outstanding contributions to our center. Con-
gratulations, Ms. Haider, on being recognized as
our Lecturer of the Month.
Hope, Optimism and
Positive Psychology
The soft skill that assists
individuals in adopting
positive mindsets in their
personal and professional
lives is optimism. The
"glass-half-full" metaphor
is the most commonly
used to explain optimism. Optimism is a mental
state marked by hope and condence in success
and a bright future. Optimists anticipate positive
outcomes, whereas pessimists anticipate nega-
tive outcomes. Optimism is the key to maximize
ones success while minimizing his/her failures.
It's benecial to look honestly at your shortcom-
ings, so you can work on them, but focusing on
your strengths can never hurt. Keep in mind that
the more you practice challenging your thought
patterns, the more automatic it'll become.
Positive and negative expectations for the
future are crucial in realizing the vulnerability to
psychological problems as well as physical
illness. Negative events tend to roll o your
back, whereas positive events reinforce your
belief in yourself, your ability to make good
things happen now and, in the future, and in the
goodness of life. There is a signicant positive
relationship between optimism and coping
strategies that emphasize social support and the
positive aspects of stressful situations. Optimism
can have a signicant impact on mental and
physical well-being. Promoting a healthy
lifestyle, adaptive behaviours and cognitive
responses associated with greater exibility can
therefore develop problem solving ability.
Hope is a construct which closely relates to opti-
mism, although the two are not identical. Rick
Snyder, one of the leading specialists in hope,
represents it as an ability to conceptualize goals,
nd pathways to these goals despite obstacles
and have the motivation to use those pathways.
To put it more simply, we feel hope if we know
what we want, we can think of a range of ways to
get there and to start or keep on going.
Its not hard to guess that being hopeful brings
about many benets. For example, we know
that hope buers against interfering, zself-dep-
recatory thoughts and negative emotions, and is
critical for psychological health. In the domain
of physical health, we know that people who are
hopeful focus more on the prevention of diseas-
es (e.g. through exercising).
Overall, Individuals with higher levels of hope
Empirical Research:
"The Impact of Gratitude Journaling on Mental
Well-being of College Students"
Student’s Testimonial
The Well-Being Center at IAC has been my safe
place at the university where I feel understood
and supported. The counselors are incredibly
empathetic and approachable, creating a safe
space where I can openly discuss my concerns
and challenges. Their guidance has been invaluable in helping me navigate the ups and downs of my
academic life. From managing stress to coping with personal issues, the Well-Being Center has
equipped me with the tools and resources I need to thrive. I am immensely grateful for the unwaver-
The aim of positive psychology is to
begin to catalyze a change in the focus
of psychology from preoccupation
only with repairing the worst things in
life to also building positive qualities.
Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi
are more successful in their performance. This means they are more optimistic regarding their future
and that they see hope as a goal-pursuit thinking that causes motivation.
Achievement is often discussed among individ-
uals, but usually only in the terms of who gets
the highest grades or who performed best in
his/her task. For dierent individuals, success
and achievement can take many forms. Setting
clear goals in developing and persevering will
allow us to focus more on our own progress and
develop a stronger sense of well-being.
In positive psychology, achievement implies
more than just getting the highest score. Indi-
viduals will feel a sense of accomplishment
when they can see their own progress in learn-
ing and mastering a subject or skill. To accom-
plish this, a redenition of success and achieve-
ment is required to shift the emphasis away
from getting the highest marks on any task to
self-satisfaction. For example, completing a di-
cult task is an achievement, whether or not you
receive the highest marks; it is an achievement
just to complete that task.
It is vital for individuals to set personal goals for
their achievements. These goals should align
with ones capabilities, interests, and skills.
Setting unrealistic goals can lead to disappoint-
ment, while setting goals according to one's
potential enhances interest and boosts motiva-
tion. To set these goals and understand one’s
capabilities, soft skills training is essential (Soft
skills are non-technical attributes that relate to
how people work).
Soft skills are in fact healthy supporters of com-
munication and performance. They are recog-
nized as connectors that build the gap and
bridge relationships among people, enriched
productivity and performance.
Soft skills reduce the gaps across various depart-
ments in an organization, thus promoting eec-
tive communication and performance. Positive
psychology focuses on topics that are included
in soft skills training such as achievement, life
satisfaction, happiness etc.
Hence, achievement is not limited to performing
your best; it is also about how you celebrate
each accomplishment or success.
Research Question:
Does regular gratitude journaling aect the
mental well-being of college students?
Statistical Findings
According to a study published in the Journal
of Happiness Studies, individuals who engaged
in gratitude journaling reported higher levels of
life satisfaction and positive aect (Emmons &
McCullough, 2003).
Another study in the Journal of Positive
Psychology found that gratitude journaling was
associated with reduced symptoms of depres-
sion and increased levels of happiness in college
students (Seligman et al., 2005).
Research published in Psychological Science
demonstrated that individuals who kept a grati-
tude journal for just three weeks experienced
signicant increases in optimism and positive
mood compared to those who did not (Lyubom-
irsky et al., 2005).
A meta-analysis of 39 studies, published in
Clinical Psychology Review, concluded that
practicing gratitude was consistently associated
with greater psychological well-being, including
reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety
(Wood et al., 2010).
These statistics provide empirical evidence
supporting the potential benets of gratitude
journaling on mental well-being, which could be
further investigated through a longitudinal
study focusing on college students.
Susan C. Young
“Did you once have a grand plan which has become obsolete and no longer serves you? If
there are areas in your life which must change to help you create better results, a redesign
may be in order. Consider going back to the drawing board’ to deconstruct what isn’t
working and start anew.
ing support I've received from the Well-Being
Center team. It's truly a pillar of strength for
students like me, and I cannot imagine my
university life without it.