compared to their counterparts who lack
optimism. The power of optimism cannot be
underestimated, as it plays a signicant role in
shaping a student's academic journey and
overall well-being. Optimistic students possess a
unique mindset that enables them to approach
challenges with a sense of hope and resilience.
They view setbacks as temporary obstacles
rather than undefeatable barriers, allowing
them to bounce back from failures and continue
striving towards attaining their goals.
Even when circumstances are dicult, optimism
enables us to see the world in a positive light. It
gives us perspective for the future and
encourages us to keep going even when we feel
like surrendering. Ultimately, optimism makes
us happier and more successful people.
This Award is for YOU!
Lecturer of the Month
Aqsa is a true embodiment
of compassion and an
exceptional listener. Her
students admire her for the
genuine care and attention
she oers, making them
feel valued and heard. Her
ability to lend a
compassionate ear has left an indelible impact
on those she serves.
In her dual role as a lecturer and counselor, Aqsa
Shabbir excels in both realms. She seamlessly
combines her expertise in the subject matter
with her empathetic counseling skills, creating a
holistic and enriching learning experience for
her students.
Aqsa's presence at the Center for Well-Being and
Positive Psychology has been transformative.
Her positive inuence has created a nurturing
environment where students thrive.
Have you ever had a day when the world
seemed a bit brighter, your heart a bit lighter,
and a sense of contentment washed over you?
Gratitude journaling is the key to unlocking
these moments of pure bliss. In the words of
psychologists and researchers, gratitude
journaling is the art of relishing life's small joys
and expressing heartfelt appreciation for them.
It's about recognizing the everyday blessings
that often go unnoticed. It involves the blessings
that we human beings sometimes fail to notice
The beauty of gratitude journaling resides in its
inherent simplicity and versatility. Crafting a
daily journal can be a delightful activity,
requiring nothing more than the simple act of
capturing a handful of heartfelt sentiments.
Whether it's the valued loved ones who grace
your life, the remarkable experiences you
stumble upon, or even the minute intricacies
that ignite a sense of joy within you, penning
down these precious moments can prove to be
an eortless and rewarding practice.
What makes it truly magical is its ripple eect. As
you cultivate gratitude, you not only brighten
your days but also radiate positivity around you.
It's a small act of rebellion against the negativity
that can sometimes overwhelm our lives.
So, my dear readers, the next time you take a
moment to pen down your gratitude, cherish it.
Gratitude journaling is your passport to a world
where joy is abundant, and life's vibrant colors
shine a little brighter. Embrace it, and let it ll
your life with warmth and contentment.
Optimism, dened as a mental attitude or
disposition marked by hope and condence in
the future, is a quality that many individuals
strive to cultivate. It is a mindset that enables
individuals to approach life's challenges with a
positive outlook and a belief that things will
ultimately work out for the best. Embracing
optimism can have a profound impact on one's
overall well-being and can contribute to a more
fullling and satisfying life