Federally Chartered
Degree Awarding Institute
Recognized by Higher Education Commission (HEC)
VOL-II | ISSUE-8 | August 2024
During my 6th year of lectureship, I received my transfer order on 08-02-1993 from
Murray College Sialkot to my hometown, Lahore. In the evening, when I was packing to
leave and was remembering my few beloved students: Azam, Tiwana, Sadia, Asma,
Mansoor, Tahir, Shama, Hussnain and Iftikhar, etc., the hostel attendant came to my
room. Some of the students were outside and wanted to say goodbye, he reported. I
came out of my room. A number of students were gathered outside, among them
were; Shahid, Tahir, Mushtaq, Shah, etc. The majority of them were hostel students
who would have wasted their time, energy, and money on different unimportant
activities, but I had tactfully engaged them in teaching a few ethics of humanity and
lessons of real life. Irfan Kasana stepped forward and gave me a farewell gift, a
bouquet and card on behalf of the class. While greeting others, I became emotional
when I noticed tears in their eyes. Raja Masud, while greeting me, said that we will miss
you sir, because “We Love You.” After 35 years of teaching career, I got retired in 2023,
but I still often remember and cherish those three magical words, the most precious
possession of my lifetime.
A family doctor once narrated a true story of one of his patients, a woman who
suffered from leukemia. Due to her seriousness, he arranged an urgent direct blood
transfusion. The blood of her daughter matched with her. After transfusion, luckily her
condition began to improve, more than expected. Telling of the incident later, the
doctor said: “It wasn’t the transfusion of the blood, but what went with it that made the
difference between life and death.” He was asked what that was, to which he replied
that while the blood of the daughter was flowing into her mother’s veins, the daughter
said, I will make you well, Mum, I need you in my life, because “I love you.”
There was another time, later. A very close friend older than I, named Raffique Esq, was
nearing the end of his life due to bone marrow disease. He had spent an active social
life as an accountant in the Pakistan AirForce. One day when I went to meet him at his
house, a strange emotion suddenly overcame me. I pondered for a while, but quickly
overcame my hesitation, and I took him into my arms and said, “I love you “. Then
tears ran down his cheeks, and he uttered, Thank you, Rana, for making me feel
important and proud of myself. Four days later, he passed away peacefully, with a
smile on his face.
Love is one of the most beautiful feelings that we experience as humans. The best full
form of love means: Life’s Only Valuable Emotion. When you feel loved, you feel less
alone, less pressure, less anxiety, more secure, more confident and more important.
This feeling gives you strength to move forward with grace, vigor and determination.
The expression of true love from another means that he/she accept us with all our
faults and imperfections. This acceptance is cornerstone of self-worth and belonging,
a critical component of fulfilling life.
It is a catalyst for positive change, development and achievement. It ensures
kindness, care, understanding and removes or minimizes negative feelings from our
personalities. Sternberg’s theory of human relationship emphasizes that love is the
most powerful fundamental and psychological force that binds individuals together.
It than uplifts, heals, and inspires making each human life worth living. Studies shows
that people in loving relationship tend to live longer, more fulfilling and healthier life.
The Healing Power of Art: A Pathway to
Dear Readers,
Art has long been recognized as a powerful medium for emotional expression,
self-discovery, and healing. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, art serves as a profound tool
for enhancing well-being, offering individuals a unique avenue to explore and process
their emotions.
Research increasingly shows that engaging with art can significantly improve mental
health. Whether creating art or simply experiencing it, people can find solace,
connection, and a renewed sense of purpose. Art allows us to express feelings that are
often difficult to articulate, helping to reduce stress and cultivate mindfulness.
In today’s fast-paced world, where stress and anxiety are prevalent, the therapeutic
value of art cannot be overstated. It invites us to slow down, observe, and engage with
our inner worlds. The process of creating or appreciating art encourages a state of flow,
where time seems to stand still, and we become fully immersed.
As we continue to navigate the complexities of modern life, embracing art as a tool for
well-being can offer a pathway to greater emotional resilience, deeper self-awareness,
and a more balanced, fulfilling life.
Neuroscience of
Do hormones play a role in our happiness?
Yes, they do, as shown by empirical data in
the area. These are chemical messengers
released by 43 glands (approximately) into
our bloodstream and act on various organs
of our body tissue to control everything
from the way we feel and act. In the human
body different glands produce different
types of hormones. Changes and hormonal
imbalances can alter mood and may
results in anger and depression or joy and
emotional well-being. For example, a drop
in estrogen and progesterone levels may
trigger negative mood swings, whereas
surges in dopamine and oxytocin results in
feelings of joy, contentment, and
excitement. Similarly, there seems to be a
biological reason that women cry more
(because of the higher levels of prolactin)
as compared to men, who cry less
(because of higher levels of testosterone) in
their body.
Our mental health is strongly impacted by
hormones because they have a major role
to play in the regulation of mood and
emotions. Among these several groups, one
group consisting of four hormones is
nicknamed “FGH: Feel-Good Hormones”,
because of the happy feelings they often
Today, scientists are focusing on the
underlying cause of these imbalances and
devising steps and methods to balance
and regulate hormonal levels in humans for
better adjustment and optimal functioning.
You can boost the level of these ‘happy
hormones’ with some simple changes in
your daily life (please see table above). In
some cases, use of some supplements can
also enhance their level, e.g., 5-HTP, but this
can cause some minor to serious side
effects. Therefore, the supplements should
only be used after consultation and advice
from your psychiatrist.
Balance will result
in positive outcomes
Deficiency will
result in negative
Remedy: over coming
Enhance motivation
and find pleasur e
Low self-esteem
and hopelessness
Meditate regularly, eat foods
rich in L-Tyrosine (such as
fish, eggs, and bananas), and
cr eate something in writing,
music, or art.
Endor phin
A br ief phase of
euphoria and
Aches and pains,
and depression
Express your emotions,
Spend time on leisur e
activities, and smile and
Feelings of trust and
a desire to love and
sustain the
Loneliness and
Socialize with friends, play
with and pet your animals,
and listen to music.
Experiencing social
power and self-
Anxiety and mood
Exercise r egularly, get
limited sunshine, and shower
with fresh water.
*To be continued on the next page