Federally Chartered
Degree Awarding Institute
Recognized by Higher Education Commission (HEC)
The True Power of Positive Thinking:
Beyond Myths and Misconceptions
Dear Readers,
In a world where the concept of positive thinking is widely celebrated, it’s important to
discern its true value from the myths that often surround it. One common
misconception is that maintaining a perpetually positive outlook will shield us from life’s
challenges. However, this belief can lead to toxic positivity, where negative emotions
are suppressed rather than addressed. Positive thinking, in its healthiest form, is not
about denying difficulties but about facing them with resilience and hope. This
balanced approach, often referred to as realistic optimism, acknowledges the
existence of challenges while maintaining the belief that positive outcomes are
Another myth is the idea that positive thinking alone can manifest success, a notion
popularized by concepts like the Law of Attraction. While a positive mindset can
certainly influence our behavior and interactions, it is the actions we take, guided by
this mindset, that truly lead to change. Positive thinking should inspire us to set realistic
goals, develop actionable plans, and adapt in the face of setbacks, rather than relying
solely on wishful thinking.
Ultimately, the power of positive thinking lies in its ability to motivate and sustain us
through challenges, not in its ability to magically alter circumstances. By embracing a
balanced approach that combines optimism with action, we can harness the true
potential of positive thinking. It’s this integration of hopeful thinking and purposeful
action that leads to genuine well-being and success, rather than the unrealistic
expectation of constant positivity or effortless outcomes.
Resilience is humans amazing ability to
bounce back and even flourish in the face
of serious life challenges. Many people may
not know they possess resilience until
confronted with trauma or crisis.
Maintenance, recovery, or improvement in
mental or physical health following a
challenge is identified as resilience
(Baumgardner, 2009).
Think about the elasticity of a rubber band:
you can stretch it until it seems it might
break, but then it returns to its original
shape, completely unchanged and
unharmed. That’s resilience!
A resilient person is someone who has
strong coping skills and is able to marshal
their available resources, ask for help when
needed, and find ways to manage the
situation they are facing. People with
psychological resilience are able to use
their skills and strengths to respond to life's
challenges. It does not mean that resilient
people are suffering from Alexithymia.
People with resilience do not experience
less distress, grief, or anxiety than other
people do.
Instead, they use healthy coping skills to
handle such difficulties in ways that foster
strength and growth, often emerging
stronger than they were before.
Altruistic Love and Subjective Well Being
Social scientists have found several ways to achieve happiness, but for me, the best
and easiest way to remain happy in life is Altruistic Love.
It is defined as selfless concern for the sufferings of others, acting for their welfare,
supporting or benefiting deprived humans with genuine kindness, and being present
at the moment of need. This behavior basically stems from Altruism: a term which was
developed by a French Sociologist, named Auguste Comte in the early 1850’s. The
terms, altruism, generosity, empathy and compassion sound similar, yet it is important
to differentiate between these four.
Altruism love is an important moral value in every society and religion, although its
objective and method vary. Humans are not born selfish, as conventional wisdom may
suggest. In contrast, several theories propose that selfishness is inherited, present at
birth, and usually develops in infancy.
Today, scientists are exploring if altruistic love is present in our DNA or a slight variation
in a particular gene is associated with this behavior. This investigation has resulted in
the development of two new areas of study; Altruistic Biology and Altruistic Psychology.
Furthermore, it has been proven that societal norms, upbringing and personal beliefs
also influence this act of kindness. However, humans also need to be reprogrammed
to cooperate and help others as they grow up. Thus, this skill is worth developing at
later stage of life as well.
It is noteworthy that altruistic love is a very powerful force in the world. This can be
manifested in infinite ways, such as running your own NGO, arranging free medical
camps, giving donations, sponsoring education, arranging dowries for poor girls,
installation of mini water filter plants, providing food to hungry, sharing helpful
experiences, offering support, or giving an honest advice to someone, etc.
Modern research indicates that engaging in acts of altruism correlates with increased
positive emotions and higher life satisfaction, contributing to enhanced subjective
well-being. In short, if I had a choice of only one guideline to live by, I will choose: Be
regretful to die until you have won some victory for the well-being of humanity.
Ms. Shamsa, in her role as a teaching
assistant, has consistently gone above
and beyond in supporting both faculty
and students alike.
Her commitment to excellence is evident
in her meticulous attention to detail, and
her proactive approach to assisting in
the classroom. Ms. Shamsa's willingness
to help, and her positive attitude have
made her an indispensable part of our
academic community.
Beyond her role as a teaching assistant,
Ms. Shamsa has demonstrated a deep
passion for fostering learning and
growth among students.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Ms.
Shamsa for her hard work,
professionalism, and dedication to our
institution's mission.
Thank you, Ms. Shamsa, for being an
outstanding member of our team. Your
contributions are truly appreciated and
This Award Is For You
Faculty Of The Month
Strengthening Mental
Health Initiatives:
A Fruitful Visit by the
Pakistan Psychological
Association Leadership
The Center for Well-Being and Positive
Psychology had the distinct honor of
welcoming Muhammad Irfan Kasan, General
Secretary of the Pakistan Psychological
Association, and Dr. Usman Rasheed Ch.,
Senior Executive of the Association. Their visit
proved to be highly enriching, marked by
engaging and insightful discussions that
delved into innovative strategies for
enhancing mental health programs.
We are deeply grateful to Mr. Kasan and Dr.
Usman for sharing their expertise,
experiences, and forward-thinking ideas,
which have provided a fresh perspective on
how we can further strengthen our mental
health initiatives. Their commitment to
advancing the field of psychology and their
dedication to fostering well-being in
communities are truly commendable. Their
valuable insights, coupled with their visionary
approach, have left an indelible impact on
our team, inspiring us to elevate our efforts in
promoting positive mental health. We are
confident that the collaborative spirit
cultivated during their visit will contribute
greatly to our ongoing mission of supporting
mental well-being in our community.
It is commonly seen that people recover from a traumatic event with the passage of
time. No doubt, it is true but recovery and resilience are two distinct patterns of
response: Recovery involves a period of clinically significant symptoms lasting at
least 6 months. The individual gradually returns to the level of mental health that
existed before the trauma or loss. Resilience involves short-term disturbances in a
person’s normal functioning lasting only for a period of weeks. This disturbance is
followed by a return to relatively stable and generally healthy functioning.
Resilience in the face of challenge is quite common and does not arise from
superhuman effort or abilities.
Impact of Resilience
“Even in the face of events that seem utterly unimaginable, resilience allows people
to marshal the strength to not just survive but to prosper and this ability makes them
unstoppable.” It is the mental reservoir of strength that people are able to call on in
times of need to carry them through without falling apart. Psychologists believe that
resilient individuals are better able to handle adversity and rebuild their lives after a
struggle. Those who lack resilience may become overwhelmed by traumatic experi-
ences. They may dwell on problems and use unhelpful coping mechanisms to deal
with them. Disappointment or failure might drive them to unhealthy, destructive, or
even dangerous behaviors. These individuals are slower to recover from setbacks
and may experience more psychological distress as a result. People who possess
resilience understand that setbacks happen and that sometimes life is hard and
They still experience the negativeemotions that come after a
tragedy, but their mental outlook allows them to work through these feelings and
recover. Self-regulation was the most powerful predictor of resilience.
Self-regulation refers to a person’s ability to guide and direct behavior toward
desirable goals over time and across varying situations. It involves the ability to con-
trol and modulate thinking, emotions, attention, and behavior. People with good
self-regulation skills are more likely to anticipate and proactively prevent stressful
situations from occurring, find ways to redirect and offset negative
emotions, and engage in effective problem solving as a coping strategy.
“There are dark shadows on the earth, but its lights are stronger in the contrast”
(Charles Dickens)
Become an unstoppable Man: A Resilient Individual
The six dimensions presented below describe psychological resilience. Do take these
small positive steps and gear up your life.
1. Self-Acceptance: A person who has a positive attitude toward himself or herself
and accepts all the varied aspects of self, including both strengths and
weaknesses, is psychologically an apt person.
2. Personal Growth: A person’s feelings of personal development and effectiveness,
and an openness to new experiences and challenges.
3. Purpose in Life: This involves having goals and beliefs that give direction to your
life. Your life has meaning and purpose, perhaps because of satisfying work, religious
beliefs, or devotion to a cause or to the needs of others.
4. Environmental Mastery: A feeling of competence and the ability to manage the
complexities of today’s fast-paced life. Mastery is reflected in a person’s
ability to create a personally suitable living situation.
5. Autonomy: Autonomous people are comfortable with self-direction, taking
initiative, and working independently. Such people possess internal standards that
guide their actions and allow them to resist negative social pressures from others.
6. Positive Relations with Others: People who have positive relationships—
focusing on quality rather than quantity—experience warm, satisfying, and trusting
interactions with others and are capable of empathy and intimacy.
By practicing these things with strong inclination to improve your life, you will
become a mark of power of resilience.
My experience with the Center for Well Being and Positive Psychology has been truly
transformative. The soft skills courses offered here have provided me with invaluable
strategies to enhance my mental and emotional well-being. The courses are expertly
designed, combining practical techniques with evidence-based insights that have
made a significant impact on my life.
One of the most important lessons I’ve learned is the concept of realistic optimism. I
used to believe that positive thinking meant ignoring challenges, but the Center has
shown me how to approach difficulties with resilience and hope. The mindfulness
practices I've adopted have become essential in managing stress and staying
present, even during tough times. The sense of community at the Center is
remarkable. The instructors and fellow students create a supportive environment that
encourages personal growth and open dialogue. This sense of belonging has been
incredibly motivating and has enriched my overall experience.
Student Testimonial
The Center for Well-Being and Positive
Psychology recently conducted an
awareness seminar on sexual harassment
specifically tailored for female students and
faculty members as per Higher Education
Commission Policy. The seminar focused on
educating participants about the different
forms of harassment and provided
comprehensive guidelines on how to
effectively report incidents. By raising aware-
ness and equipping attendees with practical
knowledge, the seminar aimed to empower
individuals and foster a safer academic
environment for all. This seminar
underscores the institute’s commitment to
promoting well-being and ensuring a
supportive atmosphere where everyone feels
respected and protected. Participants
appreciated the opportunity to learn and
engage in discussions that are crucial for
maintaining a positive and inclusive campus