Enrolled to M. A. Art Education Summer 2023. Beaconhouse National University (Current) as an informal visitor
B. A. (Hons.) Graphic design. University of Humberside, Hull. The UK.
Bachelor in Visual Communication Design. National College of Arts.
Mazhar Hussain possesses 23 years of work experience with top ad agencies as Creative Director and Design Head at Red Communication, JWT, Interflow, Evernew Concepts, Blazon, and SB & B.
Communication Design and Method
Graphic Design Studio 1
Mini Thesis and Final Thesis
Won Super award, PASS award, APNS Visual Communication Award (twice).
Winner: Global Achievement in Performance for Pakistan – Tetra Pak
Finalists: Aurora Awards for Excellence 2005 – Paktel GSM college campaign
ACCA-WWF Pakistan Environment Reporting Award 2005 – Tetra Pak
Finalists: Aurora Awards for Excellence 2004 – Doodh Aur Kya
Best Sustainability Report Design Award (Tetra Pak). 2004
PAA Super Award 2005 (TV Commercial) – Tetra Pak
Finalists: Aurora Awards for Excellence 2004 – Paktel GSM launch
Lead Design Award by Tetra Pak, Stockholm, Sweden. 2004
Northern Dairies Education Award. Hull, UK. 2003
Distinction in the animated film “A Tale Within” University of Humberside. Hull. Uk
Distinction on “Art On Wheels” VCD Thesis at NCA. Dec. 1989.